Traffic Engineering

At AS35133 we provide communities to allow customers to manage their traffic, our communities use the following logic:

  • Do not export: 35133:0:0
  • Export to ASN: 35133:1:ASN
  • Do not export to ASN: 35133:0:ASN

For internet exchanges we use the route-server to refer to the entire internet exchange, more specifics are available for direct peering sessions. Route-server communities will be passed through to the exchange. So the internet exchanges’ communities can be used as well. Example for ERA-IX:


  • Do not export to AS60068 (CDN77): 35133:0:60068
  • Export to AS60068: 35133:1:60068 (override 35133:0:0)
  • Do not export to AS24875 (Novo Serve): 35133:0:24875
  • Export to AS24875: 35133:1:24875 (override 35133:0:0)
  • Don’t export to AS30456 (CosmicGuard): 35133:0:206221
  • Export to AS30456 35133:1:206221 (override 35133:0:0)
  • Don’t export to ERA-IX: 35133:0:206221
  • Export to ERA-IX 35133:1:206221 (override 35133:0:0)

Note CDN77 does not support automatic IRR prefix filter updates, they update this… manually.
This upstream will eventually be replaced.